
Thursday, August 02, 2018

Backing Up

Last week the back panel from Schaeffer arrived!


Okay, problem number one. I wrote Power Output instead of Power Input. Damn.

Power Output goes in here?

But, that's okay. Let's take a closer look at this anodised panel with UV printing.

I think the line spacing should be larger, but not bad.

Note the counter-sunk holes
As I found with the other UV painting I did, it doesn't look good close-up. It looks printed and the dots give it a fuzzy edging.

And here it is with the connectors.

Aint she pretty?

I also got sweets.

I think I prefer nerd actually
In preparation for the panel arriving I'd already cut the back panel of the case.

Cut in progress. Note the tap to prevent scratches from the jigsaw's plate. 

And so, with some holes drilled as well, the whole back panel came together.

I was particularly pleased that by accident the colour of the Mains Switch connector and MIDI connector match each other and the rest of the case. 

Great! Great. Great...
Wait. There's another problem.
The sub-panel is supposed to be offset to the left, to leave room on the right for the G boards. Like this.

G boards on the left with wires butted up against the back panel.

Except the case's back panel was cut the wrong way around (by some idiot) so actually, the rear-panel is like this.

That's not right. I mean, it is not left.


So, now there isn't room for the G boards. [sigh]

And, now I have to rethink the layout of the boards.

Swapped over

90 degrees?


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