
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Rear Panel Ordered

Much to report, but I'm way behind on my posts. The rear panel design is done and, in a couple of weeks I will have it back from Schaeffer. I decided on a black anodized 3mm panel with white printing for the legends. Let's see how it turns out.

The Schaeffer panel is actually a sub-panel that I will bolt onto the panel that came with the case. The original panel is formed perfectly to fit the back of the enclosure and has a lip to hold in the top cover. I will cut a hole in it for the components to fit through and drill holes for machine screws.

The main driver for doing it this way was that I wouldn't have to drill perfect holes for all the components and then worry about how to label them. Also, it will be a lot smarter to have the labels printed and I can add a bit of logo. This will also let me see how good he UV print is with plain white on the anodized black aluminium. If it's really good I could go back to the idea of using that for the front-panel. 

First I laid it out in Front Panel Designer, paying careful attention to the data sheets for all of the connectors. I entered legends for each connector as a placeholder and they were marked as do not produce.

I then created a print layer in Inkscape.
Print layer from Inkscape - orange is the background, not the base colour
Next, this was imported into FPD.

Front Panel Designer view with the print layer added
The design was checked against the layout for the back panel. Most significantly, the stack of G boards is too close to the back panel to allow room for any connectors behind it.

 Hence I have to work around that. 

Full Rear-panel layout with the FDP render imported and nuts etc added - the area reserved for G boards marked in green

Everything fits, so here's a 3D render from FPD.

3D render from FPD
And now the order has been placed.
I will wait for it to arrive before cutting the main panel and wiring things up.

The G boards are already screwed into the baseboard but I will wait till the rear panel is done before fixing the others.

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