
Friday, September 15, 2017


Let's build this thing!

First board with Lite-On opto-couplers placed ready for soldering.

The first problem I encountered was that my lovely connectors were too big for the wires on the K-boards. I had to go and order another batch of wires and then add new wires from the K boards to the connectors. This took a lot longer than I was hoping but I had no real choice.

Lotsa, lotsa wires.
K1 and K2 boards wired to connectors on the first interface board.

Much soldering and wiring later I had the first board (err) wired up and - somewhat to my surprise - all working perfectly.

The first interface board wired up to the MIDI decoder


I ploughed on to the second interface and suddenly I had a MIDI controlled SS-30!

MIDI Interface almost complete

 So, I'm almost there. I have to sort out the power to the decoder now though. So far it's been run of a bench PSU and I hope to get it running off the SS-30 supply. Thats' another post though.

I meant to get a recording of the whole thing being played, but it's not done yet so I'll end this post on that tantalising prospect.

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