
Friday, September 15, 2017

2017 - Wrapping up for another year

Time's up! The summer here is over. Yep. Three months and we're done.

I could have done more, but the rest of life gets in the way - which is only right. This is a hobby project and one amongst many other interests. I've also had to carry out a few unforeseen repairs which slowed things down a bit.

There is a bit more warm weather left and I could get a heater for the garage but something else has come up which I need to focus my energy on. I'm breaking the habit of a life-time and playing music live. It's less than a month away now and I really have to get my act together. By the time that's done it will be mid-October and, well, we'll see.

What I have done this year
  • Fixed noise and other issues
  • Built interface and played the SS-30 via MIDI
  • Started a front-panel design.
What I also wanted to have done this year:
  • Sort out the power supply for the interface
  • Fix up a solution for the power supply, MIDI and audio connectors on the back panel.
  • Fit everything in the enclosure and fix temporary front-panel to it as well
If I'd managed that I could have taken the SS-30M inside for the winter and, y'know, actually played it. Well, some of the front-panel controls aren't working very well. The Orchestra section switches in particular are failing. This is my fault for not looking after them properly but it's another hurdle.

What I did that you can't see yet (aaaah!)
  • Bought components for the front-panel 
I'll save that for another few posts on the subject of knobs, sliders, switches and, err, cannibalising old Yamaha organs (ahem). Oh yes!

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