I'm going to need ten switches plus the power switch.
Speed - SPDT
Cello - DPDT
Violin - DPDT
Attack - SPST
Cello 1 - SPDT
Cello 2 - SPDT
Attack - SPST
Viola - SPDT
Violin 1 - SPDT
Violin 2 - SPDT
So, that's 6x SPDT, 2x DPDT and 2x SPST.
When I breifly worked in pro-audio I noticed that they almost never had audio signal going through the actual mechnical switch. The switch was usually controlling a DG201 or DG211 audio swicth IC. This was high-end gear designed for the live use so I suppose there was a concern that meachical switches would degrade over time geting damaged or dirty. You don't really want audio going through anything that might colour the sound or produce noisey clunks on switching.
The original switches are all mechanical though, so why worry? Partly because I won't be using the same kind of switch and partly because there may be a way to improve on the original.
This guy calling himself The Tone God has a design called Wicked Switches that uses 4066 analogue switch ICs. He also explains how to add debounce and LED indicators.
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