
Friday, July 06, 2018

Connections & Controls

I decided to write down a simple list of all the front-panel, rear-panel and power supply unit controls and connections.

This post will be draft until the SS-30M is complete. I might still chnage my mind about a few things!

All items function as on the original SS-30, unless marked as follows:
* New feature - not found on SS-30
** Modified feature - enhancement to SS-30 functionality (e.g. switch is now variable)
*** Supplemental feature - Not required on SS-30 (e.g. external PSU connections)


  1. Pitch
  2. Detune
  3. Pitch CV Input*
  4. Vibrato Delay
  5. Vibrato Depth
  6. Cello 1 Level**
  7. Cello 2 Level**
  8. Cello Attack
  9. Cello Sustain
  10. Cello Brilliance
  11. Keyboard Split
  12. Viola Level**
  13. Violin 1 Level**
  14. Violin 2 Level**
  15. Violin Attack
  16. Violin Sustain
  17. Violin Brilliance
  18. Orchestra Speed**
  19. Orchestra Feedback*
  20. Cello Orchestra Mix**
  21. Violin Orchestra Mix**
  22. Orchestra External Signal Input*
  23. Volume
  24. Power Switch


  1. Main Output
  2. Cello Output*
  3. Violin Output*
  4. Foot Control. Volume
  5. Foot Switch. Sustain
  6.  MIDI In*
  7. MIDI Thru*
  8. MIDI Expression Output*
  9. Mains Power Switch Loop***
  10. Power Input


  1. Mains Input
  2. Pilot Lamp
  3. Fuse Holder
  4. Main Voltage Selector
  5. Mains Power Switch Loop***

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