
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Switching Controls

Earlier this week I sepnt a bit more time fiddling with the front-panel controls.

The first job was to remove the switches I wanted to use from the donor Organ. More on that in a later post.

I also replaced the two Cello voice switches (1 and 2) with faders.

As you can see I hacked them onto my laser-cut temporaray panel. they oinly fitted the gap sideways asnd needed a bit of accommodation. The temp panel's going to be abused a bit whilst I work through this phase of the project.

The faders are from an old mixer (Starsound Dynamix 260) I got from my old high school. I binned it years ago but kept the faders. These are 10Kohm log audio 'A' type and worked perfectly!

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