
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Yeah, I'm lame. Okay, okay.

Here's some red hot videos from YouTube featuring the wonder of the SS30.

The first one is Simple Minds on the Old Grey Whistle Test which I remembered seeing the SS30 on a Best Of... program about 10-15 yeras ago and due to magic of YouTube (yes, it's magic) I was able to find. Umless there's another one and this is not the one I saw. The second one is Ultravox on TOTP.

1 comment:

  1. Hi man,i'm from Argentina...and i get the ss-30 a few days ago and i was looking for information about how i could get the maxim benefit of it.I don't know play piano,but i wanna use it for experimental sounds in my songs.

    Can you help me?...i'm too anxious.

    Augusto.(sorry for my english)

    p/d: three keys it doesn't works...i think a few buttons too.

    Best wishes.
