When I started this project I had a simple aim. I have expanded on that scope now, but the basic idea was to put the whole SS-30 into a rack-mount case, with MIDI. I have had MIDI working since last year but the front-panel was temporary. It was a proof-of-concept and not something I wanted to really play. Not ready for the studio.
As of last night, I have achieved what I set out to do. An SS-30 I can play in my studio from a MIDI enabled rack mount.
I had to replace almost all the faders. I suspect that the wobbly, ill-fitting, fader knobs just did something horrible to them.
Anyway! The panel was as good, if not better, than the original design. Although I hadn't added the additional features yet - pitch CV in, external Orchestra input, Orchestra feedback, individual voice outputs, and yes this isn't the final front-panel and no the wiring isn't perfect and so on and on and on (but now is not the time to dewll on what is left to do.) - but I had got the optimised control of voices with faders and dry/wet control of the Orchestra inputs.
And so, I decided to call a pause here, fit the front-panel and lid, bolt the panel into my rack and enjoy the SS-30M!
I should have some new fader caps tomorrow and I will work up some audio or videos soon to show off what I've got.
Good, eh!?